We are thrilled to have this opportunity to connect with you. Synergy is proud to announce its takeover of Zone 2 for the city of Toronto Crossing Guards Services, and we invite you to be a part of our dedicated team by registering below. Your registration will allow us to gauge your interest in joining Synergy and supporting your school and community throughout the upcoming school year.
At Synergy, we prioritize our employees and foster a work environment centered around their needs. Our organization is committed to creating an engaged, positive work culture where every team member feels valued and motivated. We firmly believe that a supportive and empowering workplace leads to exceptional service delivery. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in students, parents, and educators' lives.
Please take a moment to complete the registration form below and let us know about your interest in joining the Synergy team. We appreciate your dedication to your school and community and look forward to the incredible impact we can make together.